Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hair Days

I've always been pretty loose when it comes to my hair. Where some people may go into hiding after an awful haircut, I'm very tuned into the fact that it will grow back so ... whatever. Needless to say, I have no problem cutting my own hair even though I don't actually know what I'm doing. I favor keeping things fresh and new and the same goes for my hair. I recently decided to zip back to the days of bangs and dark hair. I do miss the blonde and long hair but, my hair will grow and I always have that option of refreshing yet again!


  1. I love the attitude, and you ALWAYS look great, but your hair is STILL long! I was expecting I was going to see that you'd chopped it to chin length or something. Anything that touches your shoulders is long to me.

    1. haha, yes shorter for me i should have said! it was pretty long and ratty, i hate to say lol
