Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Maverick could mean something to you. Perhaps, you're a Tom Cruise/Top Gun fanatic - Maverick. Or for a passionate western fan, you may be recalling James Garner and Jack Kelly as the Maverick brothers. Well, our Maverick didn't come with the name but certainly with the same mystique. 

I grew up with a slew of pets. We had guinea pigs, dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, gerbils, a turtle and fish. The short periods of time in my life when I didn't have pets, I could certainly feel their absence. We've had 2 cats, Kahlo and Danko, since our days in Chicago. Our guinea pigs, Wilco and Gonzo, joined our family about the time Addison turned 1. Our fishies, Polka and Dot, came shortly after we bought our house. Every pet seems to mark an important time in our lives. They are a part of our family. 

There was once a time when pets were a part of a simple life, not an added chore to our day and that's exactly why we kept our eyes peeled for a rescue to adopt if we connected with one. We honestly strive for a simple, faithful life that is worry free, healthy, full of appreciation for all that surrounds us. We work hard and play hard. God always comes first and our thanks to Him is how we begin our day and end our day. Why am I telling you all of this? Because it's the root of our choices for our family. When friends or family disagree with your choices or completely object to or praise you, it's important to always do what's best for your family because you, not anyone else, live with those choices. Consider what others tell you but don't let others tell you what to do especially when it comes to a big decision like rescuing. You are either ready for the commitment or you are not. 

We spotted Plato on the BlueMoon Meadows Rescue website. He was actually our 2nd pick after we found out Higgs, who we were initially interested in, can be known to snatch food, etc from little ones. Plato seemed so sweet and, being a little dog, I figured he'd be pretty active with Addison. We started off with our application and then set up a meeting with Plato's foster family. They were so sweet and Plato was even sweeter! He found his way right into Micah's lap during our visit and the rest is history. Well, not entirely...we confirmed with the foster family that he wasn't very responsive to his name and renamed him Maverick. We made a follow up home visit appointment for the next week. It went perfectly and we welcomed him warmly into our family. He absolutely loves the guinea pigs and our strongest personality in the house, Kahlo, let Maverick know her status - they seem to have an understanding for each others boundaries. Danko was a nervous nelly in the beginning, he always has been!, but we've consistently had little gatherings with the two each day and he's really warming up. The other dog pictured below is Kelly's pup, Cassie. She is such a spitfire and brings the fun, active side out of Maverick. He has been a perfect fit - housebroken, follows commands and is such a couch potato. He comes up to put Addison to bed with me and joins us, as well. Seems like all we're missing in life these days is our picket fence!

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