I've been slightly absent the past week or two and not for nothin'! Since recently making the decision to jump back into the nanny game, it's been a trial juggling my priorities. Before nannying, I considered Betty Jane & Co. and blogging my work when it dawned on me that taking care of little ones is currently my main source of income. I honestly enjoy watching kids so much that I kind of feel like the income side was a surprise perk. I was somewhat taken aback at this revelation and it gave me the freedom to simply decide - I don't need to blog every second. I can't tell you how much I've loved doing Tasty Tuesdays, Wed-spirations and Color Me Thursdays and I'm certainly not tossing them altogether but they are not at the top of my priority list and I can't imagine a reason why I should scramble the second a parent picks up their little one to fill up my ONLY free time with blogging. Betty Jane & Co. is my business and is still a priority when the orders come in but it's great to remind yourself that some of the things at the bottom of your totem poll you can easily block out of your life temporarily in order to focus on what's important. I thank God for how He has provided for me in the past few weeks. As usual, the moment I think we're in trouble His solutions seem to fall right out of the sky and into my life.
Today is a perfect example of God working in my life in a BIG way. I spent Monday and Tuesday on "night shift" with Hunter where I had him from the afternoon until evening and then the switch over to early morning until around dinnertime from Wednesday to Friday. So there we were, all half awake this morning .. okay .. so Addison and Hunter were chipper and enthused about the day while I felt like bleh. Today is also the first day of my 3 day cleanse, somewhat like fasting. I'm doing 3 shakeology drinks, one salad and one fruit as well as 64oz of water. I've clocked in 3.5 weeks of healthy eating and regular workouts with my challenge group and thought today felt right to do a cleanse. There I was around 1030am, not worried about the cleanse but wondering when I would start to have enough energy to function. My friend texted me about meeting up for a walk around 1130am. I was quick to mention that I didn't seem to be going anywhere but my conscience slipped in and told me I had 40 minutes to get my butt into gear. Next thing I know it's 1136am and I'm out the door with Hunter, Addison and a double stroller. Up the crazy hill we went while I huffed and puffed (literally because it is steep, let me tell you!). I made it to the lovely Sweet Arts Bakery and met my friend with her lil one and the boy she babysits. We went ahead and ordered the MOST delectable baked goods and had the bonus of meeting the woman who did the logo for the company. She was there with her daughter and we even scored digits - dontcha just love mom dating :) We decided to head over to Kelly's to check out her new home and have some outdoor playtime with the weather being so nice. So far so good. Not 5 minutes after getting into her house did that terrible feeling of "Where has my purse run off to??" set in. I did the ol' sweep of everything I own and every step I took and then the ol' do it 50 more times in case it happens to magically just show up. I ended up tracing my steps back to the bakery only to find NOTHING. Panic started to set in as I frantically used Kelly's phone to call my own iPhone baby a billion times. My only shred of hope was the fact that the phone wasn't turned off AND no one was screening the calls (assuming someone had the phone). After phoning the police and giving my husband a nice meltdown call, Kelly refreshed my memory about the "Find my phone" setting. Excitedly - I mean completely in an insane state - I hopped online, logged into iCloud and *TADA* I could see my phone on the satellite map. Thank heavens. Right by the bake shop! I gave the phone one more call and, sure enough, a local business answered informing me that the purse had been on the sidewalk and a passerby kindly brought it in. Thank you passerby angel!!!! I rang the police and the AT&T rep who walked me through the find my phone process and speedwalked my way back into town to retrieve my life .. I mean my purse. Am I saying that God handed me patience in all of this? Somewhat. Am I saying God handed over my phone to me? Nope. Has God completely gifted me with little grace and lots of clumsiness when it comes to my personality? Certainly. What God really did for me during all of this craziness was provide me with faith and a few friends. Whoever it was that dropped my purse off may not be my personal friend but they must be a fantastic friend to everyone they know if they could be so gracious FOR a complete stranger. Then there is Kelly who took on 3 toddlers and an infant for a few hours during this mess, she took on my responsibilities and gave me encouragement in an otherwise extremely stressful situation. He gave me trust in Him. I didn't bother with canceling credit cards and deactivating my phone when I probably should have because He instilled on my subconscious that He was taking care of this particular situation.
There are people out there who read testimonies like this and think, "How silly is she?? ...rambling on that God gave her the tools to find her phone, purse, whatever!! How ridiculous." Sorry to burst your bubble but He can provide in small ways with very miniscule situations and in moderate ways in situations such as this. In an extreme situation where someone untimely passes away, non believers are quick to question why God would let something so tragic happen and we completely diminish His seeing us through such events. He may not provide the way we expect Him to, I mean, He couldn't have just had my purse lying at the end of the driveway?? But in the midst of crisis, minor or major, God reminds us of His provisions such as people that reframe our minds and help us get to where we need. My purse could have stayed lost or stolen. I could have ended my day with cancelled cards, an appointment for a new license, an outstanding police report and coughing up $$ for a new phone and although that would have really grinded my gears I would have been grateful for signing my daughter up for dance in order to meet the person who helped me out big time today.
With glee smeared across my face I happily walked back into Kelly's house ready to take back on my responsibilities. She invited us all to head out back to her beautiful yard where the kids spent hours running around. Hunter fell asleep in my lap while Kelly and I caught up on our lives, forgetting the past few hours completely. The sun was sweet and the breeze was soothing. This day started out questionable, turned chaotic and ended up to be absolutely perfect!
Today is a perfect example of God working in my life in a BIG way. I spent Monday and Tuesday on "night shift" with Hunter where I had him from the afternoon until evening and then the switch over to early morning until around dinnertime from Wednesday to Friday. So there we were, all half awake this morning .. okay .. so Addison and Hunter were chipper and enthused about the day while I felt like bleh. Today is also the first day of my 3 day cleanse, somewhat like fasting. I'm doing 3 shakeology drinks, one salad and one fruit as well as 64oz of water. I've clocked in 3.5 weeks of healthy eating and regular workouts with my challenge group and thought today felt right to do a cleanse. There I was around 1030am, not worried about the cleanse but wondering when I would start to have enough energy to function. My friend texted me about meeting up for a walk around 1130am. I was quick to mention that I didn't seem to be going anywhere but my conscience slipped in and told me I had 40 minutes to get my butt into gear. Next thing I know it's 1136am and I'm out the door with Hunter, Addison and a double stroller. Up the crazy hill we went while I huffed and puffed (literally because it is steep, let me tell you!). I made it to the lovely Sweet Arts Bakery and met my friend with her lil one and the boy she babysits. We went ahead and ordered the MOST delectable baked goods and had the bonus of meeting the woman who did the logo for the company. She was there with her daughter and we even scored digits - dontcha just love mom dating :) We decided to head over to Kelly's to check out her new home and have some outdoor playtime with the weather being so nice. So far so good. Not 5 minutes after getting into her house did that terrible feeling of "Where has my purse run off to??" set in. I did the ol' sweep of everything I own and every step I took and then the ol' do it 50 more times in case it happens to magically just show up. I ended up tracing my steps back to the bakery only to find NOTHING. Panic started to set in as I frantically used Kelly's phone to call my own iPhone baby a billion times. My only shred of hope was the fact that the phone wasn't turned off AND no one was screening the calls (assuming someone had the phone). After phoning the police and giving my husband a nice meltdown call, Kelly refreshed my memory about the "Find my phone" setting. Excitedly - I mean completely in an insane state - I hopped online, logged into iCloud and *TADA* I could see my phone on the satellite map. Thank heavens. Right by the bake shop! I gave the phone one more call and, sure enough, a local business answered informing me that the purse had been on the sidewalk and a passerby kindly brought it in. Thank you passerby angel!!!! I rang the police and the AT&T rep who walked me through the find my phone process and speedwalked my way back into town to retrieve my life .. I mean my purse. Am I saying that God handed me patience in all of this? Somewhat. Am I saying God handed over my phone to me? Nope. Has God completely gifted me with little grace and lots of clumsiness when it comes to my personality? Certainly. What God really did for me during all of this craziness was provide me with faith and a few friends. Whoever it was that dropped my purse off may not be my personal friend but they must be a fantastic friend to everyone they know if they could be so gracious FOR a complete stranger. Then there is Kelly who took on 3 toddlers and an infant for a few hours during this mess, she took on my responsibilities and gave me encouragement in an otherwise extremely stressful situation. He gave me trust in Him. I didn't bother with canceling credit cards and deactivating my phone when I probably should have because He instilled on my subconscious that He was taking care of this particular situation.
There are people out there who read testimonies like this and think, "How silly is she?? ...rambling on that God gave her the tools to find her phone, purse, whatever!! How ridiculous." Sorry to burst your bubble but He can provide in small ways with very miniscule situations and in moderate ways in situations such as this. In an extreme situation where someone untimely passes away, non believers are quick to question why God would let something so tragic happen and we completely diminish His seeing us through such events. He may not provide the way we expect Him to, I mean, He couldn't have just had my purse lying at the end of the driveway?? But in the midst of crisis, minor or major, God reminds us of His provisions such as people that reframe our minds and help us get to where we need. My purse could have stayed lost or stolen. I could have ended my day with cancelled cards, an appointment for a new license, an outstanding police report and coughing up $$ for a new phone and although that would have really grinded my gears I would have been grateful for signing my daughter up for dance in order to meet the person who helped me out big time today.
With glee smeared across my face I happily walked back into Kelly's house ready to take back on my responsibilities. She invited us all to head out back to her beautiful yard where the kids spent hours running around. Hunter fell asleep in my lap while Kelly and I caught up on our lives, forgetting the past few hours completely. The sun was sweet and the breeze was soothing. This day started out questionable, turned chaotic and ended up to be absolutely perfect!
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