Saturday, February 9, 2013

Welcome Cameron!

Our friends Gina and Alex welcomed their son into the world on Monday, February 4, 2013. We are SO excited and happy for this little blessing in their lives, Cameron. He is such a big, handsome, healthy boy! We went to visit them at the hospital this past week and Addison was thrilled to see another little baby (several months ago another friend of ours had a baby boy). Micah held him which was reminiscent of Addison's infancy. Before Cameron was born, Micah and I were home sifting through our day at the hospital and seeing Gina and Alex with their newborn was a reminder of how fast time goes. I can't believe that was us 3 years ago. The best advice to any first time new parents is to keep doing what you have been : stare at your little one sleeping, hold them as much as possible, read and play music for them if that's what you love. You have to do all of this because within a few months they are cooing and rolling around, then sitting up, then crawling and often walking all in that first year. I remember being unable to use all of the newborn diapers because of how fast Addison grew, and she was tiny! 

To Gina and Alex : The birth of Cameron is a game changer, a day where everything thereafter is new to you as a family of three. You're wonderful people and we have no doubt Cameron will be just as happy, independent, creative, intelligent and joyful as you both are. Enjoy each fleeting moment for what it is, take a lot of pictures and video (digitally AND mentally!!) and never be ashamed to ask for help. I think parents go on to ask for help and advice from others right through their child's adulthood. It's a never ending experience and an opportunity to be a wonderful teacher, friend, parent and inspiration. We love you guys!

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