Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lessons : Letter A

I can't believe we started these lessons back in the fall and at the time we weren't even working on writing as we do now. Having three kids, two school age, throughout the day was the main reason to begin lessons. It's a productive filler in our day and allows me to really focus on all of the kids and teach them a thing or two. We do a letter a week but we often reserve weeks for holiday discussions, special months like Black History Month and so on. I'm really excited to begin posting the lessons here now that I finally took the time to photograph what we've been up to over the past few months. At the bottom of each lesson post I will have a worksheet and an explanation of our craft in case you'd like to have a go at these great mini teachings. You will notice a lot of scraps used throughout the lessons whether it's cardboard, the back of their worksheets, etc as I very much so intend to be resourceful with all that we do!

We do a letter sheet per letter, per week. We started off with sheets like this until they began enjoying writing more. As the weeks go by, you will notice how the sheet becomes more advanced and tailored to their capabilities.

Having started in the autumn, this was a great, simple craft in which the girls ran around outside collecting their favorite leaves to glue onto the back of their lesson sheet.

Fortunately, I have three little artists on my hands and they love any craft with an opportunity to draw/color.


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