Thursday, February 19, 2015

Camera Play

If you visit a secondhand shop, consignment, GoodWill, keep your eyes peeled for older cameras. Even a regular 35mm. They are easy to find and go for about a dollar or so. If you buy film and hand off to your little ones you are giving  them an invaluable experience to tinker with cameras, to understand how the originals work in a world of digital photography and giving them artistic expression opportunities. These girls had quite a few questions regarding where they are suppose to "see" the photo as with a digital camera. I showed them how to load film and then realized I needed to explain what film is and how photos are developed from the film. Basic facts that our generation knows like the back of our hands are almost beyond comprehension for these girls. You may not know much about how film is developed, they hardly know the word "film," if you can believe that! Get them the camera, you'll have a conversation you'd have otherwise missed and you'll have an awesome playdate that they will appreciate. Bonus: Print the photos and make a mini album afterwards - what an adventure!

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